Raising a toddler and dealing with terrible two’s

Everyone says enjoy every second with your baby as it soon all becomes a blur and how true that is. Can’t believe its been 2 years, and in such a short span my cute, cuddly, cooing infant is a walking talking Boss baby. So amazing to see their personalities evolve. Overall he is a great kid, as long as we stick to his schedule and don’t push his limits we never have to deal with toddler tantrums (knock on the wood!!) but, as they learn to communicate and understand their surroundings better, the little monsters from time to time come up with the silliest and trickiest situations for you to tackle . Yes and No are favorite words (No usually much much more than yes😂) and you have to pick and choose your battles every single day. A little tip I read somewhere that works well for us is, GIVE THEM CHOICES. Instead of saying, “drink your milk” , we say “you want to drink milk in the blue cup or green cup” , instead of “brush your teeth”, we say “you want to brush teeth with white toothbrush or blue”. Their little brains are constantly learning and taking in new things and they want to test your limits, but this puts them in the position of power. So instead of doing something mumma is asking, he thinks its his decision which makes our lives much much easier 😄

We also let him make his own decisions, “which shoes do you want to wear today” and he’ll go pick up whatever he likes. It may not go with the outfit sometimes but it’s better than struggling and arguing with a 2 yr old to get dressed in time😆.

A second tip that worked in our favor was MAKING MEALS FUN. We talk about food like we are planning a trip to disneyland 😉 I weaned him two weeks before his second birthday, so for the longest time he would eat but never really cared about it much as he always knew he had a backup. But post weaning what an amazing change in his apetite and attitude towards food. We never made mealtimes a struggle and this made him aware of when he wanted to eat, how much he wanted to eat and now he absolutely jumps with joy for food. He looks at his plate and shrieks with excitement, “WOW, broccoliiiiii 🥦 ” , ” wooohoo milk” and then I know my job here is done🤓 haha!!

Hopefully, I did not jinx it 🙊 and we continue to have our luck with raising these tiny little ticking timebombs.

PS: Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau are my idols as far as parenting goes for not giving an F and keeping calm like a boss when your toddler’s having a meltdown. This picture is EPIC ☝🏻🤣

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