Feeding Paraphernalia

You’d think all you need to feed a baby is a bowl and a spoon, right. Wrong!! There are soo soo sooo many choices out there that will drive you insane. Non-toxic, BPA free, leak proof, easy grip, soft tip etc etc etc.. And boy does this stuff cost a fortune. I had made up mind on trying BLW whenever V starts sitting unassisted which practically didn’t require anything except washable bibs. So I didn’t end up buying too many things except a basic few which I’d like to share with you all. 

1. Silicone bibs: I ordered these from amazon US. Really cute, washable with little flappy pockets to collect the mess (like the baby knows thats where he is suppose to drop it🙄) These are washable and I guess will last a really long time.

2. Silicone tip travel spoon: Also ordered from Amazon US. This is perfect for the diaper bag and comes with a convenient case. 

3. Ikea feeding set: I only bought it cos it was 9 dhs. Just 9 dhs. I mean look at the cuteness for the price and it will be quite useful when we start eating out and want to carry a matchy matchy set for V 😀

4. Glasslock and clipfresh containers: you can get these pretty much anywhere. These are perfect sizes for carrying small quantities with you and also storing leftover food in the refrigerator.

5. Munchkin spoon set of 5: I purchased these from baby shop for everyday use at home. We also have been using these for teething😬

6. Nuby fruitsicle pops: I got this from amazon US as well (Yes I ❤️ amazon). I still have not used it yet but I am guessing it will be helpful soon with teething plus I can make my own icecream for V next summer. The handle is pretty big which I guess will be good for self feeding. 

So this is pretty much it!! 

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